The Administration at the Waldorf School Luxembourg
Self-management and collegiality
The Waldorf School Luxembourg operates on the principle of self-management and collegiality. We do not have a hierarchical structure, with a director, and the decisions that are imposed "from above". Self-management implies that it is the teachers who manage the conduct of classroom activities and materials, admission of new students, the organization of annual activities (e.g. Bazaar, open days) as well as the relations with parents etc.
The GLK (Gesamtleitungskonferenz):
The ‘General Management Body’ is comprised of one representative from each body of our non profit organization (Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, International Baccalaureate, the afternoon care ‘Maison relais’ and the Parents) plus the members of the ‘body of experts’. Each member of the ‘body of experts’ has expertise in a particular area (commerce, finances, legal issues, human resources, public relations).
The teaching coordinators, the coordinator for the International Baccalaureate and the administrative coordinator are all members of the GLK, however they have no voting rights, with the exception of the IB coordinator who is entitled to vote for specifically IB related matters.
Each body makes decisions on issues that concern it. As soon as decisions that have an impact on other bodies are made, they must be communicated to the GLK. Decisions made by the GLK correspondingly need to be reported to each body by their representatives. Reports are compiled for documentation.
The GLK meetings take place three times a month.
For further information downlad our parent info brochure here.